Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The almost Minotaur

Most things are nowadays, for me, a kind of...or almost...something. This is "almost" a Minotaur - looks like something like that, anyway - since, technically, a Minotaur is half torro and half human... This one seems more like a torro... I can tell you one thing: it must have some devilish in it because a very nice woman (the wife of a friend where I exposed some paintings) just wouldn't have it in the house... and I did get it out, being a well-mannered (when I remember to be) person. The technique used to make it is very special and I didn't exploit it to the full extent. So I won't give any details, Internet being what it is, full of good things but also full of idea-thieves and con-artists...


Anonymous said...

iata o "figura" care-mi este foarte cunoscuta !

de altfel, am si ilustrat cu "Minotarul" un text al meu, aparut pe la inceputul anului, in revista TRANSILVANIA, din Sibiu

Mihail Medrea

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Ma intreb când se va întâmpla sa repet reproducerile fara sa-mi dau seama... memoria ma lasa si deja blogul asta devine PREA mare... am inceput sa-l archivez si munca e f. fastidioasa...

Ma bucur ca Minotaurul meu ti-a putut sluji...La ce text l-ai pus, la cel cu Ursul? (tot un fel de monster, nu?) Pastreaza-mi si mie un exemplar pentru cand o sa viu...

Anonymous said...

a... beast for the eye !

Ion Vincent Danu said...

You seem to have an eye for my beast...